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Lazada - Toko Online Terbesar

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Online Revolution telah hadir! Promo terbesar tahun ini hanya di Lazada. Mulai dari 11.11 sampai 12.12! 
**Penawaran khusus 11.11 dan 12.12:
- Flash Sale dari produk terlaris
- Penawaran paling gila ekslusif hanya di aplikasi lazada!
- Diskon dan Voucher untuk semua!
- Mainkan roda dan menangkan hadiah menarik
**Nantikan penawaran mengejutkan dari kategori favoritmu ditanggal berikut:
11-18 Nov: Fashion
19-25 Nov: Kesehatan, Kecantikan dan kebutuhan keluarga
26 Nov - 2 Des: Gadget dan Elektronik
3 - 12 Des: Produk Gaya Hidup
Jangan sampai kelewatan. Download Aplikasi Lazada Sekarang dan Bergabunglah di Online Revolution!

Lazada – Effortless Shopping
Download Lazada app dan dapatkan promo eksklusif pengguna Lazada app, hanya di toko online no. 1 di Asia Tenggara!
Kami memiliki ribuan produk dari berbagai kategori mulai dari Kesehatan & Kecantikan, Lifestyle, Fashion, Elektronik, Gadget dan masih banyak lagi! Cari apapun yang kamu butuhkan; smartphone, kamera, laptop, kosmetik, baju, sepatu, dan peralatan rumah tangga! Dengan aplikasi Lazada, kamu bisa belanja lebih praktis dari smartphone kamu kapan saja, dimana saja!

Belanja mudah dengan handphone atau tablet kamu! Dengan promo harian serta promo eksklusif dari berbagai brand terfavorit seperti Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, Lenovo, Nike, Nikon, hingga Laneige, belanja dengan nyaman tanpa perlu keluar dari kamarmu!

Ga perlu takut belanja di Lazada. Kami menawarkan 100% pelayanan terbaik bagi pelanggan. Kami jamin kamu akan mendapatkan produk terbaru dengan kualitas terbaik! Jika kamu kurang puas dengan produk kami, kamu bisa dapatkan uang kembali dalam 7 hari kerja!

Pilih metode pembayaran yang kamu mau! ATM? Bisa! Kartu kredit? Bisa! Kamu juga bisa bayar di tempat, dimana kamu hanya perlu membayar saat barang sudah kamu terima!

Apa aja yang bisa kamu dapatkan di Lazada app?
★ Cari dan temukan berdasarkan kategori dan merek barang
★ Filter berdasarkan harga, diskon, and favorit
★ Rekomendasi produk khusus untuk Anda
★ Penawaran khusus Lazada app dan notifikasi promo terbaru
★ Buat wish list-mu!
★ Express checkout
★ Voucher diskon spesial
★ Order tracking
★ Log-in dengan Facebook
★ Sharing via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ dan masih banyak lagi
★ Rate dan review kami!
Dan banyak fitur lagi, segera datang!
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, kunjungi website lokal kami di:
Indonesia: / (021) 60206200
Malaysia: / 03 8601 1888
Philippines: / (02)795 8900
Singapore: / (02) 695 0600
Thailand: / +65 315 71774
Vietnam: / 19001007


Bukalapak - Jual Beli Online

Cover art
Bukalapak adalah online marketplace di Indonesia yang menerapkan model bisnis customer-to-customer (C2C/Konsumen-ke-Konsumen). Pelayanan yang ditawarkan oleh Bukalapak untuk berbisnis online dapat dinikmati oleh siapa saja, di mana saja, tanpa dikenakan biaya sepeser pun. Penggunanya bisa merupakan perorangan ataupun perusahaan yang ingin menjual dan membeli produk baru maupun bekas.
Penjual dan pembeli mendapatkan beragam kemudahan di Bukalapak. Dari sisi pembeli, Bukalapak memberikan kecepatan pelayanan dan kemudahan dalam bertransaksi. Dari sisi penjual, Bukalapak memberikan kemudahan untuk membuka online shop dan fasilitas penunjang lainnya untuk membuat toko online yang menarik dan dicari pembeli. Kemudahan lain bagi para penjual adalah pasang iklan gratis di toko sendiri. Iklan gratis dari para penjual yang bisa Anda cari di mesin pencari Google menandakan baiknya kata kunci yang dirancang oleh tim Bukalapak.
Kategori barang yang ditawarkan di Bukalapak terbagi menjadi 10 kategori utama,, yaitu batu cincin, sepeda, kamera, handphone, elektronik, komputer, fashion, rumah tangga, food, dan lainnya. Bukalapak juga menyediakan fitur “Cari Barang” untuk mencari barang. Misalnya, ketika Anda mengetik kata-kata berikut, “cctv”, “batu akik”, “batu mulia”, “aksesoris kamera”, “kamera digital”, “elektronik”, “laptop”, “furniture & interior”, “makanan”, “minuman”, “hobi”, “perlengkapan kantor”, “buku” , “handycam”, “batu akik” ataupun kata spesifik lainnya, mesin pencari akan secara otomatis mengumpulkan barang yang Anda cari dari banyak penjual terpercaya.
Jutaan pengunjung melakukan beli online beragam macam busana fashion dan model baju seperti gaun pesta, sepatu wanita, baju anak, tas wanita, baju wanita, pakaian muslim di Bukalapak. Begitu juga koleksi handphone (HP) dengan harga terbaru. Anda ingin beli buku? Anda juga bisa dapatkan di Bukalapak.
Tren belanja online diperkirakan akan terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Sudah ribuan penjual yang telah tergabung dalam situs jual beli Bukalapak dan jutaan pembeli menjadi pengunjung setia situs ini. Jenis usaha yang bisa Anda mulai di sini sangat beragam, contohnya seperti online shop baju, toko komputer online, toko buku online, toko mainan online, toko sepeda online ataupun toko kamera online. Tunggu apa lagi, ayo gabung di Bukalapak!
Aplikasi resmi, jual beli online mudah & terpercaya, yang memberi kemudahan untuk mengelola lapak anda.

Bukalapak Mobile Apps menyediakan fasilitas berikut:
1. Jual Barang
Anda dapat menjual barang hanya dalam 4 langkah mudah:
- upload foto
- pilih kategori
- detil barang
- pilih kurir pengiriman
Aktivitas jual barang didukung fitur share ke sosial media, pengeditan barang, dan pengaturan lapak yang mudah.
2. Cari dan Beli Barang
Berbelanja di Bukalapak didukung fitur pencarian barang dan keranjang belanja yang praktis. Proses pembelian barang hanya membutuhkan 4 langkah:
- Klik “Beli”
- Atur jumlah barang
- Atur alamat pengiriman
- Klik “Bayar Transaksi Ini”.
- Terima barang dan beri feedback.
3. Metode Pembayaran yang Variatif
Pembayaran di Bukalapak dapat dilakukan melalui BukaDompet, transfer Bank, Mandiri ClickPay, dan BCA KlikPay.
4. Pengelolaan Transaksi
Pada menu transaksi Anda dapat mengelola dan melihat semua transaksi dengan mudah, baik transaksi penjualan maupun pembelian.
5. Pengelolaan Negosiasi
Pada menu negosiasi Anda dapat memantau nego barang, baik untuk barang yang Anda jual maupun barang yang ingin Anda beli.
6. Pengelolaan BukaDompet
Menu BukaDompet membantu Anda untuk melihat histori saldo BukaDompet, melakukan pencairan ke akun Bank, dan melakukan tambah saldo BukaDompet.
7. Pengaturan Akun Lapak
Menu Pengaturan membantu Anda untuk mengubah detil akun, rekening bank, notifikasi, dan log out.
Saran dan kritik terkait aplikasi ini dapat dikirimkan ke
Petunjuk Rating Bukalapak
★ = sangat tidak puas ; ★★ = kurang puas ; ★★★ = lumayan puas ; ★★★★ = puas ; ★★★★★ = sangat puas

OLX - Jual Beli Online

Cover art

OLX merupakan media iklan baris / situs jualan online terbesar di Indonesia, terdapat jutaan calon pembeli dan jutaan barang bekas berkualitas. Aplikasi jual beli OLX memudahkan para penjual untuk pasang iklan gratis. sebelumnya adalah dan pada akhir tahun 2014, resmi bergabung kedalam
Temukan barang & jasa yang kamu butuhkan seperti mobil bekas, motor bekas, handphone, aksesoris HP, rumah, fashion, perlengkapan bayi & anak, keperluan pribadi, perlengkapan rumah tangga, elektronik & gadget, batu akik, dan bahkan lowongan kerja juga ada. Tinggal pilih barangnya dan klik tombol kontak untuk menghubungi penjualnya langsung dari gadget Android kamu.

# Aplikasi e-commerce dengan review 5 star terbanyak di Indonesia dan puluhan ribu download per hari
# OLX Indonesia secara berturut-turut meraih penghargaan Top Brand tahun 2012, 2013 dan 2014
# Dengan aplikasi OLX, menjual barang bekas menjadi lebih mudah
# OLX dikunjungi jutaan pengunjung setiap harinya, sehingga kemungkinan barang bekas Anda terjual lebih cepat!
# Browsing barang second hand menjadi lebih mudah cara tepat jual cepat!
Fanpage: (lebih dari 7.5 juta fans)
Twitter: (150 ribu followers)
Google +: OLX Indonesia
Instagram : OLXIndonesia
Youtube: OLXIndonesia

AliExpress Shopping App

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Application AliExpress is an online marketplace that can be used for shopping anywhere, anytime. Millions of customers around the world managed to get the best products and through our favorite. Here is the reason why many customers like to shop in AliExpress:
Our customers get the best products at affordable prices. They can buy products directly from China at a cheaper price.

AliExpress customers have access to choose from 100+ million products. You can find anything they want products ranging from clothing, shoes, accessories, automotive, elektronil and baby care. You can even find special products that can be customized to your needs.

One of the advantages AliExpress loved by the customers is free postage for more than 75% of products!

Application AliExpress offers daily, regular promotions and thousands of coupons given to customers.

AliExpress application comes with safety features and functions so that customers can enjoy online shopping services. Application can be used for:

 Shop by category
 Search products that are equipped with filter feature
 Read the reviews of other buyers
 Creating a wish list
 berbai info about products via email, Facebook and social networking
 a secure online payment
 order Track package
 Receiving order status
 Set order
 Talk to sellers
 Getting buyer protection for all your orders

AliExpress apps made for all customers who love shopping comfortably at no extra cost. Let's look at the features that we made for you!

Additional information

AliExpres application is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkey, Italy, Israel, Germany, France, Thailand and Indonesian.

Feedback and suggestions from you is very important to us!

If you have input and suggestions about the features that we have developed, please contact you directly. You can leave feedback and suggestions on the application by selecting the "More Options" -> "App Feedback" or on Google Play

We are waiting for input and suggestions


Launched in April, 2014, AliExpress is the retail marketplace that operates globally to meet the needs of customers worldwide. This platform provides services to customers around the world to buy wholesale or manufacturing products from China with best quality and competitive price. AliExpress is part of the Alibaba Group.

AliExpress offers more than 100 million products which comprise of more than 25 categories including Accessories, Automotive, Mobile and Telecommunications, Computers & Networking, Electronics, Health & Beauty, Bags, Shoes, Toys & Hobbies, Watches, Jewelry and others.

AliExpress offers services online shopping easy and safe for the whole world


1. Page Checkout: select what you want to buy without having to remove all the other products in your basket.
2. Wish List: divided into Wish List for favorite products and Store List to a favorite store.
3. Wish List: create and manage separate lists, and shared with others easily.
4. 11:11 Global Shopping Festival: a preview of all items sold, play games for coupons and more!
5. Setting my profile for a more personalized product for Recommendations.

How to fix ''Google Play authentication is required'' error

The "Google Play authentication is required" error is a surprisingly common problem on Android devices. It makes you realize just how much you rely on Google products for your smartphone activity, especially the Play Store. The good news is that it's a super easy problem to fix. Let us show you how to fix this Google Play authentification error in three easy steps.

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The Play Store is your friend, but sometimes your frenemy too. / © AndroidPIT

1. Simply remove your Google account

The error may simply be a sign-in issue, which sometimes occurs when the Play Store is updated. The first trick is to go into your phone's main Settings menu and then Accounts and simply remove the Google account you have registered (the one that's getting the "authentication is required" message). Once you've done this, you can re-add the account and it should work just fine. However, you may need to do this step along with the second step below.
authentification error guide 1
Go into Settings > Accounts. / © ANDROIDPIT
authentification error guide 2
Find the Google Account that's receiving the error message. / © ANDROIDPIT
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Then remove that account and re-add it. / © ANDROIDPIT

2. Clear data from the Google Play Store

To clear data from the Play Store, you need to go into Settings and then Applications and find the Google Play Store. Tap it and than select Clear data. (You can try just clearing the cache first, if you like, but clearing data will clear the cache as well). If the previous step didn't work for you, you may find that it does if you repeat it after carrying out this step. 
authentification error guide 4
Go into Settings > Applications and select Google Play Store. / © ANDROIDPIT
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Tap on Clear Data and confirm when prompted. / © ANDROIDPIT

3. Uninstall Play Store updates

Sometimes the problem is not with your credentials but the Play Store itself. Go to the Play Store in Settings > Applications and hit Uninstall updates. This will take you back to the original version of the Play Store that was installed on your device. Then, all you need to do to fix the error is install the latest version of the Google Play Store and sign in once again.
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If the problem lies with the Play Store itself, go into its settings and uninstall the updates. / © ANDROIDPIT
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Uninstalling Play Store updates will set it back to the version that came on your phone. / © ANDROIDPIT
If you're still having problems after trying all these steps, run through them again in this order, rebooting your phone between the steps: remove Google account, reboot, uninstall updates, install new Play Store, reboot, add account, and so on. Just keep trying until you the error goes away. 
Have you suffered from the "authentication is required'' error in Google Play before? How did you solve it? Let us know in the comments.

3 ways to get Facebook notifications without the Facebook app

The Facebook app has some issues that you might be aware of. Sure, it has been “optimized”, but can still act like a bloated, sluggish and data hungry thing. But not using the Facebook app to save battery and data means no Facebook notifications, right? Wrong. I'll show you three easy ways to still get Facebook notifications without the Facebook app.

1. Get Chrome notifications

This is a relatively new addition to the Facebook tips list. As of mid-September, Chrome now allows you to use the web version of Facebook and still get push notifications. This is basically the best thing to ever happen to non-fans of the Facebook app.
AndroidPIT allow Facebook notifications in Chrome browser
Chrome browser can now deliver your Facebook notifications. / © ANDROIDPIT
You can now enjoy all the data and battery-saving features of Facebook web view without missing out on notifications. Just log into Facebook in Chrome on your phone and when the pop-up request to send notifications appears, tap Allow.

2. Use Tinfoil for Facebook

I've been a fan of Tinfoil for Facebook for a long time. Tinfoil is basically just a web-view app, meaning it looks like an app but all it really does is launch a web-view version of Facebook when you open it. It doesn't cache data, sync notifications or consume system resources in the background.
AndroidPIT Tinfoil for Facebook menu
A web-view app like Tinfoil for Facebook is great for saving on battery and data. / © ANDROIDPIT
If you still want to get push notifications though, all you need to do is install IFTTT and add the Facebook push notifications recipe. For this you just need to visit your Facebook notifications settings page and add your RSS feed URL into the IFFT (or Pushbullet) recipe.

3. Get notifications via email

This is going seriously off-grid. In your notification settings on you have access to some seriously old school notification options including email and text message. There's a bunch of different options for each setting – especially email – so you can curate exactly which messages you want to receive via email.
AndroidPIT Facebook notification settings
Facebook also lets you get notifications via email or text message. / © ANDROIDPIT
The best part about this is that it uses very little data to get email notifications from Facebook. While you can set up some notifications on the mobile view of Facebook, if you log in on your computer you'll have a lot more email notification settings to choose from.
How do you receive Facebook notifications? Any tricks we missed?

20 Essential Apps For Your Android Phone

The ever-growing Android Market is flooded with apps that never cease to push the boundaries for better user experience. These apps number by the hundreds of thousands, well past the halfway mark towards a million by now, but not all of them are crowd favorites.

(Image Source:
For every category there are hundreds of choices to pick. Well, I’ve done some filtering and have gathered a list of 20 must-have Android Apps an Android user should get. I’ve broken it down to a few categories, namely security, backup, communication, browsers, tools, launcher and entertainment so you can just look at the categories you’d want recommendations for.
If you have other Android apps you would like to recommend, you can share your opinion at the comments section. Without further ado, the 20 Android apps you simply must have on your Android device.


AVG Antivirus

AVG Antivirus is a free antivirus app for Android. It is free and gives you many features to secure your Android phone from viruses, malwares and threats.
By enabling the Find/Locate Option, you can easily secure your Phone from theft. It connects to Google Maps and shares the location of the phone. Other features includes killing running tasks to free up memory, lock and wipe data to protect privacy, and scheduled scans.


Go Backup

Go Backup is an all-in-one app that backs up your data. It can backup your phone contacts, messages, call log, and also the applications installed with app data to your SD Card. You can restore full backup or select what to restore manually.



Facebook for Android is the official Facebook App which allows you to communicate with your friends, family and clients right from your Phone. With the Facebook Android App, you can send messages to anybody on your friends’ list anytime, and you can do real-time chat too.
The app also gives you the option to update your status and photos. It also syncs your Phone contacts with Facebook friends and shows Facebook data in your Contact.


Tweet right from your Android Phone and update your status instantly. You can follow your friends to see what’s going on with them.
Other features of this app include Tweets, Retweets, the Follow option, photo and link sharing, and direct messages to your Followers.


XDA is an Android application meant for developers and Android lovers. XDA is basically a forum where Android developers develop ROMs and share tweaks for the Android platform. XDA for Android is way of communicating for developers. You can ask questions and share answers, or talk about your favorite apps.


Viber is another free Android application which lets you send free messages and make free calls from your Android phone to other people who are also using Viber on their phone.
As long as both phones are Viber-enabled and have a data or Wi-Fi connection, then you can make free calls and send messages for free. You can also share photos and videos to your Viber Contacts for free.


Opera Mini

Opera Mini is one of the fastest, widely used browsers for Android phones. It has got a simple-to-use Interface which gives you the option to see either Phone View or Desktop View.
It also helps you to save your data bandwidth using Unique Compression Technology. Like Firefox and Chrome, it has the tab functionality to open multiple tabs at the same time.

UC Browser

UC Browser is another fast browser. Additionally, it supports multi-touch and also can recognize and navigate through voice commands. You need to Install Google Voice to make Voice Control work.
UC Browser uses Cloud Acceleration technique to load webpages immediately. You can download files through UC Browser at high speeds.

Dolphin Browser HD

Dolphin Browser HD is a rich full-feature browser for Android. It gives you most advanced features and plugin integration that no other Android browser gives. Its range of features include Voice Navigation, Gesture Control, Add-Ons, Speed Dial, Tabbed Browsing and Sidebars.


ROM Toolbox

ROM Toolbox is a must-have Android App for rooted users, it gives you many options to tweak your phone. In Personalization, you can change your system font, download boot animations, and download ThemeChooser themes. In Performance Pane, you can tweak your system’s CPU sliders, edit and tweak build.prop, boost your SD card browsing and get memory management.
There are also options like downloading and installing ROMs, make ROM’s backup and wipe Dtat / Cache / Dalvik Cache Partition directly from the ROM Toolbox Interface. You can also Manage Apps using App Manager and browse for System files using Root Browser in ROM Toolbox.

Battery Defender – Battery Saver

Battery Defender is the most effective app to extend your battery life. It is not as complex as other apps in the same category, apps like Juice Defender and Easy Battery Saver. It just gives you the option to enable or disable Battery saving, and it works really well on my phone.
It disables unnecessary processes and apps running in the background and stops Wi-Fi Connectivity when not in use or when the screen is off.

Google Reader

Google Reader for android allows you to read all the news and feeds in one place. You can read all the latest news and posts from the popular blogs by adding their RSS Feeds to your Google Reader. It also syncs the feeds, so you can read these feeds on other devices too.

Olive Office Premium

Olive Office Premium is a free Android App that lets you view and edit documents like Word, PPT, XLS files and you can also read PDF files on it. Most other apps of this category are premium apps even though they offer generally the same features.


Go Launcher

Go Launcher is the most advanced launcher for Android giving you in-depth options to customize your phone. There are thousands of paid as well as free themes, plugins and widgets available for Go Launcher.


QQ Launcher is another launcher which is made to look like MIUI Launcher. The recent update in QQ Launcher includes ThemeSupport, and other features like built-in locker and widgets. The launcher has a beautiful and attractive layout with many transition effects to choose from.


Music Paradise

Using Music Paradise, you can download free music right onto your Android device. All you have to do is Search for the Music or Album terms, then download the desired music.
It also has an built-in music player which lets you listen to downloaded music right from the same Interface. You can listen to music while downloading other music on the same Interface.


Zedge is a popular site to download Phone stuff like Wallpapers, Ringtones, Notification sounds, Live Wallpapers etc for your android phone. There are 7.5 million free downloadable item to be downloaded in the app and you can preview wallpapers or listen to audio materials first before downloading.
If you are an app maker yourself, you can also sign in and upload your app right from the Zedge App.


Mobile9 is similar to Zedge but it offers more than Zedge. Along with ringtones and wallpapers, it also gives you the option of downloading apps, launchers and themes into your phone. You need to register and sign in first before using the app. It has huge database of downloads for almost every phone. It automatically detects your phone and shows the stuff which is compatible for your Phone.



Instagram is available on Android! This app lets you apply a variety of photo filters and effects after capturing photos within the app before you share it with other Instagram users.
The most popular feature is the app which gives you the ability to create photos with the Tilt-Shift effect.

Little Photo

Little Photo adds film and effects to your photos. This is the most popular and filter-rich app you can use to customize your photos. With over 70 photo filters and effects, you can also create your own preset style by combining different filters.
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